Executive Consultant
The Nestor executive consultant cooperation, based in Munich, Germany, is a business development manufacture led by industry experts with more than 25 years of experience. Backed by a strong international network, own staff and partner organisations in core markets, we have access to robust and reliable resources, regarding expertise and branch/market specific information. Our goal: Providing you premium support, supervision and complemental services.
Our marketplace is that of international development and cooperation. Our service is the strategic consultancy. We develop global go to market strategies and identify best fit cooperation partners in target geographies. We are there where your business is, from strategy to operational implementation.
At Nestor we believe in brands. Brands and people are the very core of every successful enterprise same as Nestor. Whatever we do, it is the brand that defines our success. Thus, wherever you want to go, whatever market you want to enter, we make sure that your brand will succeed with partners that understand, creating lasting impressions and building on the brand’s identity. At Nestor you talk to international marketeers with wide ranging experience from small to giant enterprises.
We are geared to support clients enabling the respective business to reach its strategic and operational targets, nationally and internationally. Current projects are focussing on Health & Beauty Care, Life Science, High End Medical Services in Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. Russia and Western Europe are in the constant focus of FMCG and we at Nestor are proud to be associated with strong names in the Health & Beauty Industry
With our extensive knowledge of the different Health & Beauty marketplaces, we are uniquely qualified to find right targets, talents and brands you are looking for. We are guiding our clients through all stages of the process.
Wether you are looking to grow your business, sell or acquire you need advisors who really understand the business, the importance of people and brands. Nestor Executive Consultant GmbH is uniquely qualified to advise Health & Beauty Companies on how to grow, expand, acquire or to sell. We at Nestor know what we are talking about and who to talk to.
Think ahead, talk to us and lets time it well. First we need to understand your company to the last detail on the basis of which we offer vendors proven routes to success, from Growth & Exit strategy via Search and Find to Evaluation, Negotiation and Closure.
We at Nestor are a strategic recruitment partner delivering talent solutions from managerial roles up to senior leadership positions. We deliver talent based on our direct search process, a clearly targeted and personalised approach and the expertise of our market facing team. Our senior consultants are experienced top level Industry Managers going the extra mile for our clients.
Transparent and documented process in defined stages. 1) Briefing by the client deriving the role and candidate profile as well as the search strategy. 2) Identification of potential candidates 3) First direct contact by phone 4) Face to Face Meetings 5) Confidential client report 6) Presentation of candidate
We are known for exciting international projects and career opportunities. Candidates can rely on our professionalism. Each search is individual and based on the specific requirement profile of our client. Direct contact with candidates is characterised by a high degree of matching success parameters.